Customise Correspondence and Enhance Compliance with Syncurio’s Residents Module

Custom Invoices

Ensuring regulatory compliance is a paramount concern for care homes. Stringent standards are outlined in regulations like the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014, which detail the fundamental standards registered care services must achieve. The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has also issued subsequent guidance on how to meet these standards.

Ensuring your care home meets, and never falls below, these fundamental standards can be complex. At Syncurio, we understand the challenges care homes face in adhering to these standards, which is why our Residents Module is designed to streamline operational processes, minimising risk of non-compliance, fines and in some cases returns of funding.

Manage Funded Nursing Care (FNC) payments with ease

Managing and communicating NHS-funded nursing care (FNC) payments can be challenging for care homes. With Syncurio, resident invoicing is immensely customisable. Our platform offers custom invoice and email features tailored to multiple funding sources billing requirements, allowing care homes to choose how to document and communicate source funding information to residents and stakeholders.

The ombudsman states that care homes must make it clear how much the fee totals and if the resident is receiving FNC payments. This can be displayed in either the contract or the invoicing. Falling foul of these regulations may mean care homes will need to refund the FNC amount to the payment source, resulting in a loss of revenue. However, with Syncurio care homes can now display this with ease on their tailored invoices, mitigating this risk.

Transparency in billing and information provision

Regulations like Regulation 19 of the Care Quality Commission (Registration) Regulations 2009 emphasise the importance of providing timely and accurate information about the cost of care. With Syncurio’s Residents Module, care homes can generate timely and accurate invoices, providing residents with clear and concise information about fees owed, funding sources and signposts for how to troubleshoot the invoice. If looking to not display the residents name on an invoice, our feature will also allow for this, so you can select from one of four ways per funding source of identifying the individual.

Simple, clear and understandable

The Competition and Markets Authority’s guidance stresses the need for clear and understandable contractual terms. Syncurio enables care homes to create tailored invoices that are written simply and clearly, avoiding jargon and ambiguity. Our customisable invoice and email features allow care homes to present information in a fully branded, simple, easy to understand format, minimising confusion and ensuring transparency.

Experience seamless communication and compliance with Syncurio

At Syncurio, we know that your home is unique, and we’re committed to helping care homes meet regulatory compliance with confidence. That’s why we provide extensive customisation options for your emails and invoices with our Residents Module, ensuring compliance with regulatory standards while enhancing your care home’s transparency and communication.

For your FREE demo, contact us today:

Phone: 020 4525 0299


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