Personal Allowances

Use Syncurio to keeping track of resident’s personal allowances to understand what has been spent and when.

Track Resident Personal Allowances

Care home residents have many needs, not all of them are coverd by their fees. This is where tracking personal allowances and understanding what has been spent is so important and Syncurio has a winning solution for just that.

Syncurio monitors credits and debits into a resident’s personal allowance. It allows homes to track what has been spent from the resident’s personal allowance

Features You’ll Love

Track Deposits

Quickly add the deplosit amounts to a resident’s personal allowance.

Itemised Spending

Understand what spending has occured on a resident’s account and the user who made the update.

Data Export

Quickly and seamlessly export the spend and deposit data for additional reporting.

Track Balances

Syncurio provides the ability to see clearly the balance at any historic point in time.

“The integration capabilities of Syncurio are unmatched. It’s not just a billing system; it’s a comprehensive resident management tool.”

Liam – Home Manager

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