Care Employee Details

Easily Manage and Access Comprehensive Care Employee Records for Better Workforce Management. Syncurio gives you the tools to stay on top of all the necessary details.

Care Employee Details page displaying staff information, personal records, and compliance status in Syncurio’s care home management software.

Track and Update Care Staff Records with Ease via a Centralised Management System

The Syncurio platform centralises all critical employee details, allowing you to easily create, view, and update records for any staff member. The system covers a range of information, including personal details, next of kin, recruitment history, and statutory records, ensuring that all essential data is in one place.

This digital approach eliminates the need for physical filing cabinets, streamlining document management for care homes. All records are securely stored and accessible at any time.

No longer confined to a single office, managers can now access employee information from anywhere, improving efficiency and flexibility.

Key Features for Care Employee Details Record Keeping in Carem Homes

Multiple Addresses

Store the address history of an employee to remain in-line with UKBA guidelines. The latest will always be displayed on the profile page.


Syncurio allows you to store a photo of the employee for validation of clocking in records.

Next of Kin

Store the next of kin details against each employee, enabling you to access their emegency contact quickly when you need to.

Recruitment Details

Syncurio stores a variety of data including where the vacancy was seen, the previous sector and if the employee has worked in care previously.

Statutory Checks

Checks on DBS, and NMC are all accessible and stored within Syncurio.

Fully Customisable

Syncurio can be customised to enable fields to be excluded, optional or mandatory for your specific needs.

Employee List

Quickly see all your employees in the home in a searchable and filterable list. All of which is exportable into Excel or CSV.

What Our Care Home Partners Say About Syncurio’s Care Employee Detail Management

“I know where I am when I use Syncurio, it allows me to focus on what matters and get to the employee details so quickly”

Sheena – Care Home Administrator

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